Building Kingdoms of Faith and Unity

About Michael

Four Decades of Faithful Service

For over 40 years, I’ve been deeply embedded in the church community, serving in diverse roles and experiencing firsthand the transformative power of the church. My journey has been one of witnessing the beauty of unity, but also the challenges that arise when unity is fragmented.

We all want to feel like we belong.

While I’ve seen churches that shine brilliantly, I’ve also observed those that cast shadows on certain members. Some churches excel in certain areas but inadvertently neglect others, leading to a congregation where some members flourish while others feel left behind.

Consider this verse:

Drawing inspiration from the verse, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ,” I believe in the essence of unity and mutual dependence. Every individual plays a pivotal role in the church’s health and vitality.

Imagine if we all showed up as our best self and we all played our role. How different would our church be? How different would our communities be? The quest to find our “perfect” church lies within us and if we each do our part, we can create the kingdom of heaven on earth.

So, I found the perfect church.

In 1995, I experienced the epitome of a church community in Austin. A place where faith, fun, and family intertwined seamlessly. I found myself in what I believed was a perfect church – a community where everyone felt loved, embraced, and nourished. A place where faith, fun, and family were in harmony. This was the magic of effective leadership. But when that leadership moved away, the church fell apart, showing me how vital it is for leaders to cultivate the right environment.

I turned my pain into purpose.

In my personal life, when I went through a painful divorce, I felt lost and questioned my faith. I felt alone in the church community I was part of, which seemed more interested in blame and shame than offering support and solace. This experience led me to open my faith-based counseling practice, which over the years, has helped many individuals and couples find strength in their faith and relationships.

A Vision for Thriving Church Communities

Today, my mission transcends individual counseling. I envision reshaping churches, strengthening both members and leaders, and building the Kingdom of God on Earth. A place where every soul feels acknowledged, valued, and cherished.

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Together, we can become more.

Now, I see an opportunity to affect change on a larger scale by helping churches strengthen their members and leaders. In essence, I want to help churches build the Kingdom of God on Earth, where every person feels seen, heard, and loved.

I believe the real value of a church lies in its community. Is it inclusive? Does it cater to every member’s needs? A thriving church creates a space where every member can grow, continuously and authentically, bringing them closer to their divine potential. That, in my view, is the definition of a perfect church.

Church vector art
Michael Pesenting

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Creating A Better Church Experience Starts With You

Embrace the journey towards creating spaces where faith thrives, unity prevails, and every individual realizes their divine potential.